The IEEE Strategic Plan is a vital part of the ongoing evolution of IEEE. The Plan provides a clear picture of IEEE as an organization, the goals our community is pursuing, and the initiatives that will move IEEE forward in the coming years.

Download the IEEE Strategic Plan (PDF, 2 MB)



IEEE fosters technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.


IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology, and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.

Core values

  • Trust: being a trusted and unbiased source of technical information, and forums, for technical dialog and collaboration.
  • Growth and nurturing: encouraging education as a fundamental activity of engineers, scientists, and technologists at all levels and at all times; ensuring a pipeline of students to preserve the profession.
  • Global community building: cultivating active, vibrant, and honest exchange among cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary global communities of technical professionals.
  • Partnership: promoting a culture of respect for the employee and volunteer, valuing contributions at all levels of the organization, investing in training and development to enhance capabilities, empowering individuals to make a positive difference, and building a membership organization based on a strong volunteer-staff partnership to serve the profession.
  • Service to humanity: leveraging science, technology, and engineering to benefit human welfare; promoting public awareness and understanding of the engineering profession.
  • Integrity in action: fostering a professional climate in which engineers and scientists continue to be respected for their exemplary ethical behavior and volunteerism.

2025 - 2030 goals

  • Advance science and technology as a leading trusted source of information for research, development, standards, and public policy
  • Drive technological innovation while promoting scientific integrity and the ethical development and use of technology
  • Provide opportunities for technology-related interdisciplinary collaboration, research, and knowledge sharing across industry, academia, and government
  • Inspire intellectual curiosity and support discovery and invention to engage the next generation of technology innovators
  • Expand public awareness of the significant role that engineering, science, and technology play across the globe
  • Empower technology professionals in their careers through ongoing education, mentoring, networking, and lifelong engagement

Delivering on this plan

IEEE will foster a collaborative environment that is open, inclusive, and free of bias and will continue to sustain the strength, reach, and vitality of our organization for future generations. 

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