Technology is evolving rapidly, and technical professionals need to keep their skills up-to-date in order to help their organizations stay competitive. Additionally, many engineers need continuing education units (CEUs) and professional development hours (PDHs) to maintain their engineering licenses. With many engineers seeking training programs that offer these credits, IEEE can help you provide these benefits to your professionals through the IEEE Credentialing Program.

All applications for the IEEE Credentialing Program are accepted online. Access the online application.

External providers will need to follow the Credentialing Program Terms and Conditions in order to offer certificates to their customers.

For information about procedures and pricing, please contact

Interested in offering microcredentials to your learners with IEEE? Learn more.

Why IEEE Credentials?

Certificates Program example

You already know that IEEE is an organization that brings together some of the best and brightest minds in engineering today. IEEE credentials guarantee that your education program offers some of the most relevant content that engineers need to stay ahead in their fields. IEEE will review the content of your learning event ahead of time so that attendees know that it aligns with the high standards of IEEE. An IEEE credential is a guarantee of educational quality and a credential that engineers can proudly share.

IEEE maintains an official registry of all credentials awarded. This makes accounting to state licensing boards an easier task for engineers. It also helps IEEE organizational units keep track of their participants.

For learning event organizers

IEEE Credentialing Program adds value to your educational event and helps your program stand out from the competition. As an organization or educational content provider, you can provide IEEE credentials that offer CEUs, PDHs, and Certificates of Participation at your next learning event or virtual conference. 

External organizations interested in offering IEEE certificates at events that are not sponsored by IEEE should fill out the approved provider application first. If you are approved, you may submit unlimited applications for your events.  

IEEE organizational units, Societies, Sections, and Chapters are also eligible to offer IEEE credentials for qualified events and do not need to apply to become an approved provider.

The application process is online and easy to use. Pay per credential or select from bulk discount pricing options for larger events. 

Approved External Providers of IEEE Credentialing Program

Find a partial listing of approved IEEE vendors of the credentialing program. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

For IEEE Organizational Units, Societies, Sections, and Chapters

IEEE Organizational Units, Societies, Sections, and Chapters are eligible to offer IEEE CEUs (Continuing Education Units) and PDHs (Professional Development Hours) for qualified events and do not need to apply to become an approved external provider.

Review instructions on how to have your event approved here. IEEE manages the certificate program via a platform called OpenWater. We recommend organizers upload event requests at least 5 - 7 business days prior to the date of the conference/course/webinar. Once approved, the submitter will receive an email notification along with instructions on how to submit event rosters/surveys after the event has occurred.

Invoices will be sent after the event is held and the certificates are issued. Bulk certificate prices are available for large events.

If you have any other questions about the process, contact

IEEE Digital Badging

Educational Activities (EA) is now offering digital badges for eLearning course programs on the IEEE Learning Network (ILN) and some qualifying virtual training events! Digital badges contain embedded metadata within the image that reflects the specific skills earned and can be shared online.

IEEE Digital Badging Program for Continuing Professional Education

Badges are tied to individual bodies of knowledge that can be received after successful completion of a course program or series of events (virtual and/or live). Digital badges will only be awarded to individuals who complete an entire course program through the IEEE Learning Network (ILN).

Course programs that offer digital badges: 

Benefits of Digital Badging: 

  • Provides a modular way of showing levels of competency
  • Represents successful completion of a program with verifiable skills
  • Learners are enabled with a self-promotion tool for career growth
  • Provides learners with a way to share credentials across social media
  • Learners can easily display accomplishments as they build essential skills


How Can I Request a Digital Badge?

After learners successfully complete an IEEE Learning Network (ILN) eligible course program, they can email requesting the digital badge. IEEE EA will verify the learner’s transcript in ILN and issue the badge via Accredible. These credentials are then portable and can be displayed across most social media platforms, such as LinkedIn. 

Individuals can access their credential transcript (badges and certificates) through the Accredible credential wallet. Employers and learners can confirm the validity of the credential through Accredible at no extra charge.

To learn more about digital badges, please email:


For individuals seeking CEU and PDH credentials

IEEE offers a variety of over 400 online courses where students and professionals can earn digital certificates bearing PDH (Professional Development Hours) and CEU (Continuing Education Units).  Upon successful completion of a course, individuals will be issued a digital certificate bearing the appropriate CEU and PDH.

View the complete list of courses on the IEEE Learning Network.

Information about the Electronics Packaging Society Certificate Program

In order to further the education of Electronics Packaging Society (EPS) members, the EPS is now offering a Certificate Program. The goal of the program is to give members new to electronics packaging an opportunity for further packaging education, to offer continuous education in electronics packaging to existing members, and to offer students electronics packaging training if they are in a University program that does not include packaging education. Learn more about this Certificate Program.