Uncover IEEE member benefits that are most relevant to you.

In addition to the benefits listed below, IEEE members can access local events and activities by signing in to IEEE Collabratec®, an integrated multi-functional platform and global network of technology-focused professionals. Once signed in, users can:

  • Network with other technology professionals
  • Establish a professional profile highlighting your accomplishments
  • Join and participate in discussions on various technical interests
  • Create a group to share and collaborate on projects
  • Discover IEEE events and activities throughout the world


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Keeping Technically Current

IEEE Xplore®

Save nearly 50% off single article purchases from IEEE Xplore, the largest library of electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics literature. ($)

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eBook Classics

Get over 350 classic eBook titles from the IEEE Press collection. Available via download from IEEE Xplore for free.

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IEEE Standards

Search for published standards, browse by topic, explore purchasing options, and find related products and resources. ($

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IEEE Societies and Technical Councils

Join specialized groups matched to your technical interests offering access to cutting-edge technical and educational resources, conference discounts, and networking opportunities. ($) 

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IEEE Spectrum Magazine

Stay informed about major trends and developments in technology, engineering, and science through blogs, podcasts, news and features stories, videos, and interactive infographics.

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IEEE Spectrum Magazine, digital delivery

IEEE Spectrum Magazine available in digital format, provides instant access to its authoritative tech coverage, with interactive features and faster delivery, enhancing the reading experience for engineering professionals worldwide.

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Proceedings of the IEEE

The leading journal for in-depth tutorials and coverage of technical developments that shape the world in all areas of electrical, electronics, and computer engineering.

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IEEE Potentials Magazine

Explore career strategies, the latest in research, and important technical developments geared toward college students and young professionals.

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IEEE - USA eBooks

A diverse collection of over 150 titles for free to IEEE members, covering topics from career advancement and soft skills to public policy and leisure reading, aiming to support the professional growth and personal development of engineers in the United States.

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Certified Software Development

The IEEE Computer Society is a distinguished credential that validates an individual’s proficiency and expertise in software development principles and practices, aligning with the globally recognized SWEBOK standard. ($)

Explore the Professional Software Developer Certification

IEEE Member Digital Library

The IEEE Member Digital Library offers IEEE members exclusive, instant access to a vast collection of IEEE publications, including journals, magazines, transactions, and conference papers, with a flexible monthly subscription that allows for up to 25 full-text article downloads each month.

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IEEE WCET Certification Program

A comprehensive, globally recognized certification that validates an individual's expertise in wireless communication engineering technologies, designed for professionals seeking to demonstrate their knowledge and stay current in the dynamic field of wireless industry. (+)

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IEEE DataPort

Easily accessible repository of datasets and data analysis tools, including Big Data datasets up to 2 TB.

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Career Resources and Recognition

Member Grade Elevation

IEEE membership enhances every stage of your career. Whether you are an established professional or just starting out, IEEE membership identifies you as superior talent.

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The honor society of IEEE, is dedicated to fostering excellence in education and the profession, with a focus on scholarship, character, and attitude, and it supports the development of students and professionals into leaders in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and other IEEE fields of interest.

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The career and public policy interest group for IEEE members in the USA providing career tools, resources, and government relations programs.

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IEEE Women in Engineering

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science.

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IEEE Learning Network (ILN)

ILN provides hundreds of hours of educational content from across IEEE on a variety of topics such as engineering, technology and more, all in one place. ($)

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IEEE eLearning Library

High-quality, peer-reviewed online courses in relevant topics such as: AI, blockchain, IoT, vehicular technology, and smart grid. ($)

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IEEE Author Center

Become an IEEE author, publish your research in a high-quality publication, and help advance your scientific field. ($) (+)

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IEEE Job Site

Find job postings by more than 4,000 leading corporations and organizations in fields ranging from ASIC design to weapons system development to transportation.

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IEEE Mentoring

The IEEE Mentoring Program is an online program that pairs qualified IEEE members together in establishing a mentoring partnership for guidance in multiple areas such as career, education, leadership, and volunteering. The program is completely self-serve and is implemented via IEEE Collabratec® (home of the IEEE Member Directory).

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Consultants Database

The IEEE Consultants Database is a dynamic online platform where IEEE members can create profiles to showcase their expertise, and potential clients can post assignments to find and engage with the right consultants for their specific needs.

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Scholarships and Fellowships

Provide a wealth of opportunities for recognition and financial support to IEEE Student members, fostering academic and professional advancement through a variety of grants, scholarships, and project funding.

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The IEEE Awards Program celebrates the achievements of its members by bestowing the highest medals, awards, and recognitions for significant contributions to technology and society, exemplifying innovation, ingenuity, and excellence in the engineering field.

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Career Asset Manager

A unique guide and resource for professionals to manage and advance their careers within the IEEE's global network, offering tools and insights for job opportunities and professional development.

Explore the Career Asset Manager

Career Navigator

Through our career products and services, IEEE-USA serves as a resource for enhancing the professional growth and career advancement of U.S. IEEE Members. 

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Consultants Services

Connect to a global consultants network by creating a profile or searching for a consultant. (+)

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Career Webinars

Choose from more than 180 archived webinars and download supporting slides and documents where available.

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Entrepreneurs Village

Embark on a thrilling journey of innovation and competition with IEEE's student contests, where bright minds tackle engineering challenges to win recognition and prizes, including the intense 24-hour IEEEXtreme programming challenge

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IEEE Professional members who are eligible to vote must be in good standing and have held membership for at least six months prior to the election.

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Professional Networking

IEEE Collabratec®

Connect and collaborate with other IEEE members in IEEE's online networking platform.

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IEEE Societies and Technical Councils

Join specialized groups matched to your technical interests offering access to cutting-edge technical and educational resources, conference discounts, and networking opportunities. ($)

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IEEE Women in Engineering

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science.

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Young Professionals

Connect with recent graduates interested in elevating their professional image, expanding their global network, connecting with peers locally, and giving back to their communities.

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Local Section Connections

Upon joining, you became part of the local IEEE group based on where you live. This information is located in your IEEE Account, in IEEE Collabratec, or on your IEEE membership card. Contact IEEE volunteers in your Section to ask questions, or find out about events near you.

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Local Meetings and Events

Meet and socialize with members and volunteers in your Section. Use the IEEE event finder to discover meetings and events hosted both locally and globally.

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IEEE Mentoring Program

An online program that facilitates the matching of IEEE members for the purpose of establishing a mentoring partnership.

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Attend an IEEE conference to learn about new topics and trends from leading experts, discover new suppliers, and network with other professionals. ($)

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Volunteering opportunities

Get involved in IEEE activities at a local and global level and give back to your profession.

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Continuing Education

IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu

The honor society of IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu promotes excellence in the profession and in education with ideals of Scholarship, Character, and Attitude.

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IEEE Learning Network (ILN)

ILN provides hundreds of hours of educational content from across IEEE on a variety of topics such as engineering, technology and more, all in one place. ($)

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View videos and live broadcasts on the award-winning, internet-based television network covering lEEE events and activities from around the globe.

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IEEE Credentialing Program

Guarantee that your education program offers some of the most relevant content that engineers need to stay ahead in their fields. (+)

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Student Travel Grants

IEEE Student Travel Grants provide financial support to help students attend conferences and events, fostering their professional growth and networking opportunities.

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eBook Classics

Get over 350 classic eBook titles from the IEEE Press collection. Available via download from IEEE Xplore for free.

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IEEE Product Discounts

Get group pricing on highly-rated products and services to support members at home and in their professional lives. ($)

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National Society Member Discount

Enjoy reduced pricing and additional fees when joining technical Societies or special interest groups. ($)

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Save up to 50% on conference registration fees ranging from US$300 to US$1,500. ($)

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Participate in insurance programs ranging from term life, other life, and health plans, professional liability, and auto and home (available in specified geographic areas). ($)

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Wiley-IEEE Press Discounts

Receive up to 35% off titles from Wiley-IEEE Press, including bioengineering, power and energy, communication technologies, and other growing areas of research. ($)

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Humanitarian Programs

IEEE Internet Initiative

Get connected to the collaborative platform informing global technology policymaking through a consensus of sound technical and scientific knowledge in the areas of internet governance, cybersecurity, privacy, and internet inclusion for all.

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IEEE Foundation

Support IEEE programs that improve access to technology, enhance technological literacy, and technical education and the IEEE professional community. 

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IEEE Smart Village

Be a part of the initiative that provides access to electricity, creates opportunity, and improves lives in remote communities around the world.

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Join the Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) program, where IEEE volunteers around the globe partner with underserved communities to leverage technology for sustainable development.

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Help empower students to work with local service organizations to apply technical knowledge to implement solutions for a community’s unique challenges.

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IEEE Mentoring Program

An online program that facilitates the matching of IEEE members for the purpose of establishing a mentoring partnership

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